Futa tarnished in Elden Ring - Chapter 25 - Kikotama (2025)

Chapter Text

the bright light slowly disappeared as Tasha was regaining her sights. Around her, it would seem she is now inside the Erdtree. The area she is in now is fast. Only some stand and a hammer on it.

"Hello?" Tasha called out with her voice echoing. "Anyone here? Um... i'm supposed to be Elden Ring... I got the Great Runes so where should I put them?"

No responses. Tasha was clueless about what to do without guidance. Until she realized something above the stand, noticeable by the small crumbling golden parts coming from somewhere. Tasha then realized where it came from when she saw it. She was in shock. It was fragments from a Rune holding someone. It was the fragmented body, lifeless with a spear that pierced her. It was Queen Marika.

"Is that... Queen Marika?" Tasha was stunned to see the Eternal Queen in such a state. "What happened to her?" Tasha felt bad to see such a queen treated like that. "I need to get her body down. Maybe if I get some rocks together, assembling them to reach-" The Great Rune that was holding Marika starts to break and drop the body of Marika on the floor. Tasha stood still and felt somehow awkward. "Well... that's one problem down." Tasha looked around again to get some clues on what she needed to do. Until she heard crumbling noises and looked in the direction of the stand. A hand belonging to the body reached for the hammer.

"Queen Marika? You're alive?!" Tasha was shocked to see the fragmented body moving by itself. However, something was wrong. The body shape was changing from a feminine body to a masculine form. Marika's blonde beautiful hair turned into a burning flame color. One side has an arm missing, replaced by a stable dark energy. The body then pulls the hammer, creating an explosion of rock.

Tasha realizes that it isn't Marika anymore. It was someone else. There can be only one individual that could replace the queen and Tasha spelled his name: "Radagon!" It was the second husband of Queen Marika, a god. The Elden Ring was visible inside its empty husk. Radagon turned his look upon the intruder.

Tasha glares at the man who wasn't just her last opponent, hopefully. But also the one that ditched Rennala for Marika. Tasha took this personally. "Oh, it is on! I'm gonna give you the beating of a lifetime!!" Tasha growled as she pulled out her shield and her weapon of choice: The Dark Moon Greatsword (given by yours truly. Thank you Ranni). Tasha was now facing the man who caused a lot of trouble for the Lands Between and instead of fixing everything, he was trying to rebuild the Elden Ring. The very thing that Marika shattered it for a reason.

Tasha looks at the quiet Radagon, facing off in a duel. Both started to walk slowly to each other. Then they ran and finally clashed their weapons, creating a shock that trembled the Erdtree itself. Both were swinging their weapons at each other with every attempt to kill. Radagon swings his Hammer and emerges with holy magic. Tasha used the Carian Moon essence from her Greatsword to go toe to toe against a god.

Radagon summoned a holy magic spear with his dark arm and threw it at the tarnished. Tasha saw it coming and dodged it. The spear stood still on the ground until it exploded. Tasha used her shield to block but she was pushed back and fell. Radagon then jumps, and hovers until he dives down to swing his hammer. Tasha quickly rolled away. Some holy magic spreads on the ground and explodes. With such an explosion that created a massive dust curtain, Radagon lost sight of the tarnished. But this gave Tasha an opening to strike by jumping out from the cloud of dust and attacking with her sword. Her blade reached Radagon with a slash.

Radagon tries to swing his hammer but it is parried by Tasha's shield, giving her another chance of a sword slash, causing more damage to the fragmented god. However, Radagon answered to the tarnished's attacks with a powerful front kick. It sends Tasha flying backward. But she stabs the ground to hold her landing. She was panting due to the kick-packing of such strength belonging to a god.

Radagon unleashed five holy magic projectiles at Tasha while he prepared another Holy Spear. Tasha knew what would come so she dashed towards while dodging all projectiles. She also concentrated magic on her sword and was ready to unleash it. As Radagon throws his spear, Tasha releases a blast of moonlight. Both range attacks clashed and created an enormous explosion, once again shaking the Erdtree from inside of it.

Tasha and Radagon pass through the cloud of dust and clash their weapons against each other. The cloud of dust disappears by their clash. Once again, both swung their weapons at each other. But Tasha was already prepared for another Moonlight blast, charging her sword with magic while countering all incoming attacks. When Radagon swings his hammer, Tasha twists her body by bending her upper part back to successfully dodge the attack. With her blade fully charged, Tasha pulls back up and diagonally swings her sword at Radagon, blasting him with a Moonlight slash. It was powerful enough to send the god flying backward.

The blast was over and Radagon fell on his knees. Tasha saw this opportunity to beat him up with her bare fists. Tasha walked towards the god and shouted: "This is for being a horrible Elden Lord!" Tasha threw a punch that cracked Radagon's face. "This is for breaking up with Rennala!" Another punch right at Radagon. "This is choosing the Ring over Marika!" Yet another fist on the face of the god. "AND THIS IS JUST BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE IT!!" The last punch was an uppercut that detached the god from the ground, flipping its body in the air and crashing back to the ground.

Tasha was panting, she gave a piece of her mind to Radagon, the defeated god now lying down on the floor. For now, she doesn't know what to do next now that it seems Radagon is still on the floor. As soon as she was getting closer to him, something happened. Radagon's dark arm was emitting a dark mist that was spreading and felt fluid like water. Surrounding the body of the god. Suddenly, a giant hand came out from the mist and dragged down Radagon. Tasha was shocked as she had no idea what was going on.

Suddenly, something huge emerged from the dark mist. An entity with such an intimidating aura and yet so cosmic. It has a dragon form but is not related to any winged lizard. Its body was transparent with darkness and yet, filled with twilights and golden lines looking like they acted like the monster's bones. The rest of its limbs were like wings and one tail. Its head was simply a big bright dot. It was holding a large sword that looked divine. The Entity roared and covered the surroundings with something unfamiliar. The floor was covered with water. In the distance around them there were many giant golden pillars, even the sky was now like a fading dawn. Tasha is now in front of an Outer Gods, the Vassal of the Greater Will itself and the true form of the Elden Ring. The Elden Beast.

Tasha was speechless to witness a divine entity right in front of her. She doesn't want to lie to herself, She does feel intimidated. Now she knows what Gideon was afraid of. He was afraid that Tasha would anger a being beyond Godhood. But she felt it. That Elden Beast is the final obstacle. The last enemy. Tasha needed one more push to defeat the entity.

Her ring suddenly started to shiver on its own, Tasha inspected it and realized: "Wait, does that mean I can summon Torrent here?" Tasha then connects her index and thumb to the whistle, summoning her trusted steed. Once Torrent appears, Tasha mounts and pats her steed. "Okay girl, let's do this. I'm counting on you." Tasha said to Torrent. Then the trusted steed whinnying loudly for one more ride with the tarnished it stayed by her side and rushed its way to the Elden Beast. Tasha holds tight her blade to kill a god... again.

The Elden Beast started to sweep its mighty sword but Tasha tightened her grip on her trusted steed. A perfect timing for Torrent to jump over the blade. Tasha raised the Dark Moon Greatsword and urged Torrent forward, she swung her sword and slashed the cosmic entity, leaving behind trails of stardust blood.

The Elden Beast, being hurt by a tarnished blade, roared with a sound that resonated through the very fabric of the world it created, shaking everything. The Elden Beast then burst out golden-colored fire like a dragon, forcing Tasha and Torrent to take distance. The beast then dives into the water and arrives at a specific distance where it summons a line of cosmic clouds that then explodes. Tasha pulls Torrent away from the cloud just in time and rides its way to the Elden Beast. Tasha then swings her sword to launch a slash beam towards the beast, only for it to evade it by diving into the water. Tasha did catch up and gave a couple of up-close sword swings. Only you anger the Beast as he starts to thrust its surroundings. Tasha and Torrent ride safe and away from the blade of the cosmic monster.

The Elden Beast then flew into the sky and spread its wings as a golden halo formed around him. Tasha realized that now a ring was closing on her. Torrent jumps over the ring before it closes but then an explosion bursts from the back and makes both Tasha and Torrent fall over. The Elden Beast then summoned light on his hand and unleashed a barrage of golden orbs that were coming right at Tasha. Both Torrent and Tarnished recovered and rode again towards the Elden Ring. Tasha swings her sword multiple times to destroy all the orbs. The Elden Beast decided to attack with a thrust but Torrent jumped over the blade and bounced on it. Tasha took this moment to jump off from her steed and right to the cosmic monster's eye/head. Her sword stabs right to it.

The Elden Beast roared in pain and shook its head to make Tasha drop from it. Eventually, Tasha was thrown away and landed on the water. The cosmic being created a ring around her to destroy the tarnished with a blast from below. But Torrent came and let Tasha mount her just in time for her to escape the blast. Tasha decided that this fight as gone too long. So the tarnished stood on her steed and concentrated all of her sword's magic. Focusing on every last magic left in her body. Her greatsword glows blue and bursting white energy. Tasha took a sweeping stand. As soon as The Elden Beast burst out a golden blast from its face, Tasha swung her most powerful Moonlight blast that sliced the Beast's blast and hit the Cosmic being. It roared in pain again and was pushed back. Getting Closer, Tasha jumps off Torrent again and leaps her way to the Elden Beast's chest. Giving it the final blow. Tasha's sword pierces the Elden Beast, and her sword visibly thrusted the giant god.

The Elden Beast roared once more before it finally collapsed down. Its body was made out of runes and stars were fading away. Tasha realized that she had done it. Tasha the tarnished finally slays a god.

The world of gold faded away and the tarnished was returned to the center of the Erdtree. Tasha sighed in relief. "Thank god... I did it... it's over..." Tasha couldn't believe that she did it. It will be marked in history that a tarnished has slayed a mighty god. Tasha then notices something. In the middle of the room, was the crumbling body of Marika. Tasha walks closely and finds the detached head near the body. Tasha thought that it would be respectful to put the head back to the body and when she did it, she saw it. The Great Runes that she collected were now uniting inside the husk of Marika's body. Sparkles of gold came out of the hole.

The walls of the Erdtree became yellow gold as a bright light started to form on Marika's body. "My eyes!" Tasha cries as the flash disturbs her sight. But when she felt it was over, she peeked and saw the body moving by itself. Tasha removed her hands and was stunned. The fragmented body was now back to becoming life-full. Queen Marika the Eternal was resurrected.

"Tarnished..." Marika spoke. She was a tall woman but not as tall as Rennala. A beauty deserving to be queen. "Was it thou who brought me back to life?"

Futa tarnished in Elden Ring - Chapter 25 - Kikotama (2025)


Why does everyone call you Tarnished in Elden Ring? ›

The Tarnished or Tarnished Ones (褪せ人, Asebito; lit. "Faded Ones/People") are individuals who lost the grace of the Erdtree and were consequently banished from the Lands Between by Queen Marika the Eternal.

Is the tarnished dead Elden Ring? ›

The Tarnished were members of Godfrey's army. They left the Lands Between via the Long March, they lived, fought, died in the badlands and were revived when receiving the call from Marika to come back and become Elden Lord.

Is Roderika Tarnished in Elden Ring? ›

Overview. A Tarnished noblewoman who, despite having never seen the guidance of grace, travelled to the Lands Between along with her companions. After arriving, those companions fell victim to Godrick, becoming subjects for his grafting. Roderika alone survived, taking refuge in Stormhill Shack.

Why does the tarnished want the Elden Ring? ›

The Tarnished is the protagonist of Elden Ring. Compelled by the "Flame of Ambition", the Tarnished endeavors to brandish the Elden Ring and become Elden Lord. In their journey throughout the Lands Between, they encounter various demigods, bearers of Great Runes, as well as their fellow Tarnished.

Is the Tarnished married to Ranni? ›

I also discuss the Discarded Palace Key and some visual details from the cutscene where the Tarnished swears their oath of marriage to Ranni. #eldenring #ranni #rannithewitch #eldenringlore #soulsborne.

What does Melina think of the Tarnished? ›

Melina and Torrent spot a washed-up, maidenless Tarnished whom she believes is fortunate. Sometime later, she approaches to offer them an accord: She could play the role of the missing Finger Maiden in return for a ride to the foot of the Erdtree.

Why is Tarnished maidenless? ›

Because of the maidens' ability to bring strength to the player in return for collected runes, it is disastrous for the Tarnished to be without one. So what happened to theirs? One fan theory taking the internet by storm suggests that White Mask Varré is responsible for killing the Tarnished's maiden.

Why is Tarnished immortal? ›

They're undead, able to return from death due to the IR tree's Grace. The tarnish were once exiled because they lost the IR tree's Grace. However, they are beckoned back to the lands between. with the promise of regaining Grace and becoming Elden Lord.

Is Godfrey a Tarnished? ›

Thus, Godfrey and his kinfolk became the first Tarnished, and left the Lands Between together on a pilgrimage known as the Long March, at the end of which Godfrey divested himself of kingship and became a simple warrior once more. Godfrey became a chieftain of the Badlands, under the name of Hoarah Loux.

Is Godfrey a demigod? ›

According to Kenneth Haight, Godrick is the last of the Golden Lineage, but the Grafted Scions are also suggested to be the dregs of the Golden Lineage. When Godfrey was divested of his Grace, he became Tarnished, and lost his demigod status.

Is Gideon Tarnished in Elden Ring? ›

Sir Gideon Ofnir, also known as the All-Knowing is a supporting character in the 2022 action-RPG video game, Elden Ring. He is an aged Tarnished that serves as the leader of the Roundtable Hold. He assists the Tarnished to become Elden Lord throughout most of their journey.

Is the Tarnished undead? ›

FromSoftware's latest, in contrast, simply describes its Tarnished protagonists as "dead who yet live" in the opening cinematic, then throws players into the world of Elden Ring's Lands Between.

Why does Morgott fight the Tarnished? ›

After claiming two shards of the Elden Ring, the Tarnished gains entrance to Leyndell and challenges Morgott at the Elden Throne. Denouncing them and all of his demigod siblings as traitors and pillagers emboldened by ambition, he attacks the Tarnished champion.

What race are the Tarnished? ›

The Tarnished, also known as Tarnished of no renown, is the fully-customizable player character in Elden Ring. The character is a kind of reanimated undead and may belong to one of several races, called "faces" in-game.

Are the NPCs Tarnished in Elden Ring? ›

Confirmed Tarnished (not including all summons and invaders): You, Patches, Roderika, Bernahl, Fia, Goldmask, Dung Eater, Hoarah Loux, Boggart, Nepheli, Rogier, and Ofnir. Likely Tarnished: Varre, Vike, Ensha, Diallos, D, the other D, and Corhyn.

Who are the Tarnished backstories in Elden Ring? ›

The story of your Tarnished character is to fight through the world and try to gather Great Runes to become Elden Lord--but that simplified explanation belies the fact that you're taking part in the war between various political factions and a bunch of nameless gods, all of whom are vying to control the Lands Between.

What do you mean by tarnish? ›

to dull the luster of (a metallic surface), especially by oxidation; discolor. Antonyms: brighten. to diminish or destroy the purity of; stain; sully: The scandal tarnished his reputation.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.