Honolulu Star-Advertiser from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

D-12 The Honolulu Advertiser I Friday, October 30, 1992 1 I TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 521-9111 (gLM Monday thru Mday a.m.-4:45 p.m. Saturday P.m. Or coma to 605 BLVD. Monday thru frlday 1:30 p.m. Seterday S-l 3 Salespeople Wanted 305 Empl.

Wanted Domestic 316 Empl. Wanted Business 317 Autos for Rent 807 Autos Wanted (in general) 806 Aviation SalesServices 840 Buses 820) CampersTrailersVans. 825 823 Go (see 835) Hotrods 811 Mobile Homes (see 825) 4 Service 836 Motor Scooters 835 Motorcycle Notices 834 Motorcycle 833 Motorcycle Rentals 832 Rental Announcements 410 Rental Services 440 Rentals to 430 Rentals Trade for 431 Rentals Wanted 435 Rooms Furnished 466 Rooms Unfurnished 457 (see 4901 Stores. 469 Townhouses Fum 407 Townhouses Part Fum .408 Townhouses Unfum 409 VacationTjsorts 405 480 Bus. Oppty (rentlease) 202 Bus.

Oppty (for sale) 200 Bus. Oppty. Wanted. 201 Business Services 204 Distnbutorships. 211 Franchises 207 Investments 205 Loans 210 Reps.

Wanted 203 Antiques! Art 11 Appliances 705 Airline 7M Auctions .....719 Bar Equipment (see 792) Bicycies-SalesSeiwe 745 Boats. Supplies, etc 750 Building Supplies 785 CB Radios. Accessories 728 Garage aLanai Sales 718 Jewelry 4 Clothing 720 Livestock, Supplies, etc 780 Machinery Eqpt- 795 MachmeryEpqt. tor RenL 797 Misc. tor Rent 717 Misc.

lor Sale 715 Mrsc Wanted .716 Mopeds. (see 8361 Musical Instruments 730 Office Equipment (see 790) Pets for SaleShows. 770 Pet 772 Photo Supplies 735 PoolSpa 766 Poultry 4 Supplies 775 RestaurantBar Supplies 792 Sewing Machines, etc. 710 Sporting Goods 765 Stamps 4 Corns 740 Store 4 Office Eqpt 790 TV4Elec.Eqpt ..725 Water Sports Eqpt 767 Yachts (see 750) Birth Announcements 130 Car Pools Rides 129 Card ot Thanks 105 Cemetery Plots. 115 flonst Services 109 Funeral Notices 108 Funeral Plans 116 "Happy" Ads 135 In Memonum 107 Lodge Club Notices 100 Lost Found 123 Notices 120 Open Sunday Directory 170 Personals 125 Personal Services 127 Political Notices 102 Professional Notices 160 Schools Classes HO Training.

Seminars 141 Travel Tour Opptys 121 Wedding Announcements 132 Apts, Furnished 401 Apts. Fum.PartUnlum 404 Apt. Houses to Share ....427 AptHouses ShareSame 425 Apts. Part. Fum ....403 Apts Unfurnished 402 Bed 'n 406 Business 4 475 Garages 4 Parking.

465 Hotels-Apt Hotels 450 Houses 4 Apts. 432 Houses Furnished 411 Houses Fum.PartUnfum 414 Houses Part Fum. 413 Houses to Share 425 4 427) Houses 412 Neighbor Islands 420 MovingStorage 490 470 Parking 465) Property Mgmt 445 Apartments for Sale. (see 504) Apartments Wanted (see 505) Bldgs.tobeMoved ..536 Business 4 Industrial 555 for 504 Foreclosures 507 Houses 4 Buildings. 531 IncomeInvest.

Prop 550 Offices tor (see 560) Real Estate Loans. 505 Real Estate Notices 520 Real Estate for Exchange 506 Real Estate tor Sale (in specific area) 500 Real Estate Wanted (in general) 501 Stores 4 Offices 560 Townhouses tor 502 Townhouses Wanted 503 111 Mbtorcycles. 830 PtkuoTruck Notices 819 Clothing (see 720) Coins (see 740 Collectibles 71 2 723 PckupTrucks'Buses. 4Vheel Sports Cars. .......820 821 850 825 Trailers Employment Notices 306 Empl.

Opportunities 308 Employment wHousing, 301 General Help Wanted 300 Help Wanted Domestic 315 JoD Preparation 310 Resumes 304 Electronic Equipment (see ra see 710 820 Tacks. Auto Access.Services. 810 Auto Announcements. 801 Autos Domestic 805 Autos ForeignSports. 850 Autos for Lease ...808 701 Vais (see 825 Sewn Directory 900 Furniture tor Rent 702 lO Mastercard NOW YOU CAN CHARGE YOUR ADS.

WE WILL ACCEPT THESE CREDIT CARDS: THESE CATEGORIES ARE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE OF PUBLICATION: All Class 100's Class 316 317 Class 507 All Class 200's Class 425 427 All Class 700's All Class 800's VISA PRIVATE PARTY ADVERTISERS ONLY THRIFT ADS WIXI WIKI ADS POP ADS DEADLINES 'Single column line ads may be placed until 4 Monday thru Fnday for the following day 4 4 45 Fnday for Sunday Cancellations 4 corrections must be made no later than 4pm Monday thru Fnday lor the following day 4 by 4 Fnday tor Sunday Ads may be placed, canceled or corrected until 11 45 am. Saturday for Monday We are dosed on Sundeys. Deadlines lor ads lor 5 or more inches 4 display ads are available upon request. CANCELLATIONS Orders are numbered 4 numbers are given as a receipt to the advertiser upon cancellation, in case of a dispute Sony, but no adiustment will be allowed without a cancellation number No number is given tor ads placed on POP. Wiki or Thntt plans, as these are charged a flat weekly rate 4 are non-refundable.

Deadlines are 4 Monday thru Fnday for the following day: 4 pm. fnday tor Sunday 4 1 1.45 am. Saturday lor Monday. LIABILITY Advertising published in The Honolulu Advertiser, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin or the Sunday Advertiser 4 Star-Bulletin subject to the applicable rata cart, copies ot which are available from our Advertising dept All ads are sutxect to approval before publication. We reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject or cancel any ad at any tome.

Errors must be reported on the first day of publication. We shaU not be liable for any toss or expense that results from the publication (whether published correctly or not) or omission ot an ad. 3 unti 5 Day 2807 Flat rate. Applies to items lor sale. Prices must be in the ad 4 must total no more than $2500.

"Pmrot Own PWmi 7 Day Flat Rat $17 43 Per line Per Week (3 line Minimum). Rate does not apply to commercial or rental ads. una 3 Day Flat rate. Applies to items tor sale. Prices must be the ad 4 must total no more than $500 ALL A0VERTI8IN0 IS SI MECT TO 4.17 HAWAII GENERAL EXCISE TAX.

300-General Help Wanted 300-Gerwal Help Warned 300-General Help Wanted 300-General Help Wanted 300-General Help Wanted 300-Gfiral HtHp Wanted 300-General Help Wanted 300-General Hlp Wanted 300-General Help Wanted 300-General Help Wanted DISPATCHER with or without DRIVERS Hak. Naa a Facial Artists Also station tor rent Waimakj Shop DRIVER with COL. Delivery, heavy ktlmg good dnvmg re cord Ph 259828 Gen Ofc. to key, typing, computer Pleasant phone voice DAD Indus tries 841 7391 tlANfTOM, KANEOHE EXPERIENCE PREFERRED OH WILL THAJN 247-4150 Licensed Practical Nurse needed for home care, private duty A hospital work Up to FUEL SYSTEM OPERATOR Mechanical andor pipeline opera exper Benefits. Apply at 120 Adams Way 847 7811 piaza.

zzs-ooeo. 4e 24ob. DELIVERY Driver part lime deliver plate luches dinners from downtown to Manoa Need own car insurance Wage comm tips WAITERS 56 1 0575 Wxu Bus. requires Commercial atyuurnr. exci.

Denenis Drivers ucense. Class A with DRIVERS for dawnae shifts tor exper. preferred. Must lift S41565 Mon-Fn. 8am-3pm PT endorsem*nt, tuH-time, GENERAL CLERK EXPER REQUIRED.

GOOD BENEFITS A WAGES PH: 841 1478 DISTRIBUTION CLERK. PT Wed A Fn. 8am-4pm. CaH Amy or Wes 647067 HAIRDRESSER fue time poo tion, 2 yrs. exper.

Comm. medical only 465-8033 35-100 lbs. daily. Valid driv tnghsh speaking Salary or comm Cat Mel IvVF 524-7929 DELIVERYWAREHOUSE Excellent benefits. Bnng drivers abstract Kitchen Distribution Center 300 Coral St must be avert, alt shifts, exci LOAN PROCESSOR wftnort JAMITORlAL-tfnrnediate openings for 6 pari time people Freedom from routine Kaliht Sand Island areas Car required.

5pm 9pm. $S50hr. to atari 831-7600 er's lie. req. Full benefits: medical, dental, vacation, sick leave, DRIVERS A Helpers.

PUC type gage loan processing exper. or PT position 523-2343 OEUVERV. 8 30 5 Start So 50Tv. Driver's abstract req Salt Lake Auto Paris DRILLERS ASS T.1ABORER Physically fit, hardworking GENERAL OFFICE! Free classroom computer tramma' Numerous openings 522-0900 SMELLING TEMPORARIES benefits 111 4Tv Appfy Mon -Fn 8-4 30pm at Lockheed An Terminal 3071 Aolete Si. 836-1381 EOE MFRV 4 or ror local moving co Exper.

pref immed hue. Call 6769168 motivated individual No exper LOAN Processor Full lime HAIRDRESSERS. Manicurists. Ass ts. Stations avail anmed Also sm.

pvt. tow rent Will train Ass't. wadvance potential Mary Ann George Salon 1528 Makaloa SI 942 7768 nec 611 I1S. bam-4 30pm Downtown, great office, expe OEUVERV. FT 8am 6pm or 1230pm9pm or P'T alter noons.

ecl benefits 8416137 JANiTORIAUMarbte restore hon maintenance, futt-tima, experienced 735 9991, rience required Mr Adams or vision Apply at 3071 Aolele St. LOCKHEED AIR TERMINAL 836-1381 EOEMFrHV GENERAL OFFICE 2 yrs exper. Call MonFri, Mr. prMiips at oJtWrSct DRIVER daynight shift English spkg salary or comm. Charley Taxi 531 2333 ELECTRICIAN.

EXPER. LI 8am-4 30pm 841-4242 CENSE NOT REQUIRED. UP DENTAL ASS RECEPT I or FT Must be cheeful. dependable responsible xperience nec Ph 671-0564 Lot Attendantlight mainte- ORIVERS needed, type 5 6 lie Exper moving helpful, writ pay according to exper islander kill 91 210 Hanua St Campbell tndustnal Park. Appfy person JANITOH8 Kaneohe 6am 9am 8pm-12 midnite, Mon Fri other PT hrs avail 537 3774 DELIVERY Person, PT clean abstract Apply Carqu est George Auto Parts 94 220 Leokane St Waiparm.

TO $16HR. 847-5406 HEALTH CLUB Front Desk P'T, mornings, afternoons or evenings 533 7111 nance run time ortver cense Call 848 0988 DRIVER for fast growing ofc 4 machine supply CO. clean GIFT SALES REP Good lines, est. accounts Commission. Experience pref 528 0872 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN abstract.

$7 5LMw. 941 1220 Pager One is looking tor a HEALTH CLUB SalesTrainer P'T. mornings, afternoons or evenings 533 7111 DRIVERS GOLF COURSE MECHANIC DELIVERY PRODUCE 5 CAYS PER WttK MEDICAL BENEFITS 536 2154 DENTAL ASSISTANT. Ala Moana Fast paced, modern specialty practice long term Exper preferred Call 951 6000 to Otn our team DRIVER GUARD w. truck MAINTEANCE hard working hands-on person lo lead land scape, paint, lanitonal.

main, tenancecrew Exci pay, truck, JAPANESE 'ENGLISH speak mg COORDINATOR for field activities, horseback, dune buggy, boogie boarding, etc Will train 737-7188 OEN OFC.SECTV. Frr PT $1100mo. start bonuses sales comms benefits Hoss' Appls A Fum. is looking for someone reliableseirmo-trvedinterestmg Fun company, must be good on phones ROSS 841-7336 can todayf bemor lyommumcation lecnni-cian. Can 845-1111 exper SSSIO'hr Apply 1540 Full or part time.

Knowledgeable Kalara St or can B4I '511 flexible nrs or f-oruu HO ST "Hostess. Cashier. Wart Help, full time, exper preferred Apply at Cale Cambio. 1680 Kapniam Bfvd DELIVERY UTIU1 PfRSON fun time Good dnvtng abstract Set motivated Hard worker Call Leroy 2639729 Pick up delivery Fui part-time Type 5 WCDL B. clean abstract.

PUC physical req. EQUIPMENT MAINT Service Person needed for rental firm 3 dayswk Call Taylor Rental at 487-1402 Maintenance Supervisor DRIVER LABORER COL req $11.50 hr Appfy Island Roofing 1717 Sifva St 841145 DENTAL ASSISTANT needed No experience necessary Hardworking and personable PH 621 7407 GENERAL HELPER. Seeking rttesponsibie. hands-on hnowt- small engine repair maintenance. Medical golf benefits included.

Retirees welcome. Apply person IMpm daily. M0ANALUA GOLF CLUB 1250 Ala Adam St Ft 833-5143 kedge ot bidg maintenance DRIVER Mon Fn 11 30 4. $9 full benefits 522-8400 322 Sumner Street piumoino. a eeciricai ivmjm pcvsun 10 nop run rBian slore.

Good appearance, computer exper hetptul Fun. friendly atmoshpere. S8.hr PT Call 536776. 104 M-F poas. advancement Apply at 331 Keawe St.

523-5606 FIELD REP. Fun time Detrvery Salary monthly incentive bonus. Must have clean abstract. Ph. 521 1544 Supervise, tram coordinate KITCHEN HELP WAIT HELP positions available Apply in person, Mon Fn 8am 5pm.

HONOLULU CLUl 932 Ward Avenue Honolulu. HI 96814 (No Phone Calls Please) tqual Opportunity Employer DELIVERY WAREHOUSE. T. good driving abstract, lorklitt taper sett motivated, responsible person to join a bard working eqpt parts sales organization 676-5115 DENTAL ASSISTANT lull time Want a career change? Good dexterity, sharp, will tram Benefits, salary negotiable Area 4 Honolulu oles 532-3902 assignments. Purchase DRIVER SHOP HELPER.

PT. namian inventory DRIVERS-VAN. full time, FI8MCUTTER TOP DOLLAR LOWE BUSINESS. CALL LORIE 841 8726 rounds eeper Prefect em rm HOSTHOSTESSES BUSPERSONS Day Shift Only Full or part time Great starting pay. Beneftls met health A hie ms paid vacation, dining discount profit sharing MONTEREY BAY CANNERS Ward Centre 1203 Ala Moana Blvd.

freight Also part time. CDL-fl. 126 30pm 4553464 eves FOR TOP CUTTER. HIRING NOW S220736 GENERAL OFFICE Office person must have 10 key typing, light bkpg. computer proficient Pay based on exper Call 533 2921 Please send resume to Personnel Dept.

1088 Bishop St Lobby -Honolulu, Hi 96313. DRIVER Shuttle Maunakia Bay Delivery "Warehouse Person, T. tvpe 3 lie. abstract req Produce Start $6 50hr 6ver1ime ployee, laood paybenetit* Must have 2 yrs. current exper Wahiawa area Call Jacquxs after 1pm at 621-3510 DRIVERS wanted.

Type 6 Full Dental Business Ass'! needed lull time Computer, general office 4 people skills helptut xperience not necessary, witt Iram right individual 262 9818 Club. 525 Kalaroanaole Hwy Aina Haina 373-9811 OS time Apply at tey uaiena 3t or Ph 837 7806 FOOD SERVERS BUSPERSONS LANOSCAPER Exper Onv et's lie nec Full time Crane Sekimizu Corp 373 7700 GENERAL OFFICE GUARDS Mnmed openings, no litonaoement Dry Cleaning Foreperson DELIVERY WHSE. clean abstract weekdays Please taH Happy Stmts 949-7575 DRIVER "WAREHOUSE co 10 openings. Up to $J50'weekly Call Large retail chain has manage exper nec Many areas avail Merchant Security 487-7799 LANDSCAPING hard working. 2 Full-time CLERK TYPIST positions to assist Admirwstra-ttve Secretary tor the HHP.

Psychiatric Residency Tiammo ment trainee positions open COOKS DISHWASHERS HOSTHOSTESSES Kimmy 842 7032 Housekeeper fuM tune part time Day shift only. Smaller hotel Carl 947-6743 OENTAL RECEPT. EXPIR NO SATs We know there is a personable, dependable individual out there lor us Could it be you7 Please can so we can find out 523 2099 DENTAL ASS lor orthodon for Hilo Oua'iiy Cleaners Kona DRV CLEANING SPOTTING EXPER REQ Eld benefits. Advancement possi HAIRSTYLISTS nanua-on person to lead uno-scape. paint, tanttonal.

maintenance crew txcl pay, truck, flexible hrs 6774700 across the island, many locations to choose from, advancement DRIVER WAREHOUSE T. tist, part time, no oat i ofc Cheerful triendty 523-2402 Ivpe 5 tic abstract req Med ical 401k Can MF. 487 5524 possibilities, competitive pay ble. Send resume salary requirements to DtcMTAL til FT mm HOUSEKEEPER FULL-TIME wexpenence needed anmedi-alefy Sue 923-5887 LEGAL SECRETARY for small Family salon looking lor experv enced Hairstylists. Join us in making money and enioy our good benefits.

Flexible hours and oetems. Please send resume to Day rwgttt shrft ooty Full time or part time Great 8 tact tog pay Bene frit mctude heath Me ma paid vacation, dintng dmcouftt profit sharing. ProQfam Punahou Kaneo-he area Salary of $17,100 wtlh mnqe benefits. Please call or send resume to Kafhy Awaku-m. 1356 I us tana St 4th f-H Honolulu, HI 96813 Oesireabfe Shorthand Inquiries 586-2900 ORIVERS COL TypeB vaixroi iuivmuii n'nouoi- srsp abilities Salary commensurate wexper 737 7907 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST full lime.

Dedicated, reliable person lor general practice Exper necessary w'back ground in insurance 949 4288 rilLU UUALIIY ULLANtKi 866 Kmooie St. Mo, Hi 96721. No phone cans please personal mfury firm S24000V year -f benefits with 3 years exper Stan Reply confidence to PO Box 26166. Hon, HI 96825 HR PACIFIC 521-8941 NfVER A FEE Abstract req no lee oame week pay 1415 Dillingham Blvd 845 7395 Advertising Box 491 CO HNA PO. Bon 3350 Honolulu.

HI 96801-3350 DENTAL ASS I needed tqual Opportunity Employer excellent location with lots of parking No clientele needed. Call Ed, 395-1224, 373-2116. weekdays; 395-2586, weekends. YUM YUM TREE Kahala Mall 4211 Waialae Ave. LABOR SERVICES CATCH the savings Oassified nmed FT or PT for modern CiP office Incentive program in place Please call 0RYWALL.

TAPER HANGER EXPERIENCED. Ph. 677-9501 CATCH the savmgsl Classified CLASSIFIED ads get the rob DENTIST ASSOCIATE General practice 523 1966 Interior plant care rental workers needed immed. 47-227 KamaKo Rd. 9am 3pm la nome Dase for good Duyst oxme.

uan today i siil io nome base for good Duyst TO PLACE A SERVICE DIRECTORY AD Call 525-7481 FOR OTHBH ADS Call52Vl9111 GENERAL ELECTRICAL PAINTING MOSS ROCK ARCHITECTURE LIGHT HAULING IS IgLaJ LAWSON CONSTRUCTION AKEMOTO ELECTRIC C-8601 LICENSED ARCHITECT aemt- AAAAAAA Dave Hauling All Trouble oaH Resxmmer Additions, remodels, repaira. redred, tow cost homes A ad MOSS ROCK FOR SALE. TOP GRADE RIA Moss Rock 668 7811 RAINBOW PAINT COMPANY understands your needs economically technicalty. Give us the opportunity, to serve v-ommerciai'Hes. trasn Lots Lew Rates Free est.

595-8357 Free est 949-4542, 3952524 OO tOJ. Kh OiTI Dlrf dittons. Lie 2509. 947-6489 GENERAL GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES LAMGUAGE DT ELECTRIC 11407 AAAAAAA Sam's Lite Hauling O'Donnell Const Cabinetry additions 'kitchens'bathsmew your painting needs Free est Residenlial Commercial CABINETS A-1 Prooertv Cleamna A FtUPINO. Yard maml.

clean o2Hb45 C166UO. ACCIDENT8. CRIMINAL Defense DRUG cases Free AH trash commercialres. lots Affordable Free est 847-4766 ARE 4OU TIRED OF NOT BE IMG UNDERSTOOD? Free Estimates 677 2722 homes BClb824 737 2157 Move Out All Low Fiat Rate up, tnm hedge, mow, weed, AFFORDABLE brand names. iMIial consultation 536227 Secured pager 842-4361 naut junn hree est oi i fdf Engfsh pronunciation made RIA Interior Residential A PLUMBING A custom made kitchen A Electric Blue Co (C-175841 lor all your electrical needs Free ALL AROUNO Vunk' Hauling easy Speech Craft 737 93S8 Commercial Renovation Free CASEY'S Island Maids Com AFFORDABLE lawyer ser bath cabinete.

Free esl est Prompt sve b'b-uib est BC 11774 734 0815 A FILIPINO yerd svegenen mamt Do ewythmg Free ei limate 455 7579. 677 7367 QtLS PLUMBING (C13183) vices lor only $1fmo Join mercial Move Out Cleaning Call 4866624 or 4862626 Turn lawns Maaao 2350403 GENERAL INTElHSIVC Japanese training Group individual lessons Complete Plumbing Services fiewan Legal Plan rwi-bM unry. ian oor oD4 RICHARD SUGIMURA. INC Flirtrnolo Electric Uc Ct 1019 Additions, remoders and new f-Mtt tOtlMAlta 64 JOV HetBOnable rales 526-561 1 AA FILIPINO YARD SVC Mamt CARPEWTRYSmallJobi BC44bO Kitchen, alleralions. Helping Hand Maids, the per LET US HAUL YOUR JUNK TO THE DUMP GARY HIGA 94743431 AA REPAIRS Bath kitchen, termite damenes HC7729 Trouble celts 7340696 new homes Ph 8470626 sonalied sve Ins estsh.

rek- cleanup, plant grass, lop soil rock, trimcut hedge, haul MUST REMODELING arxe Memner BBB 94 7 7395 T1HO ELECTRIC NO JOB IS Sugimolo 968-5141 day eve ROBERT OSHIRO BC617I A DOOR SPECIALIST CO. All Areas To $1000. 422-28 Kinn-trasn tow rates io yrs TOO SMALL. Res 4 comm PICKUP a Hauling Services 7 days. Junk, rubbish rnoret Remodel homes A business AAAALL Eapert work 34 vrs PARADOX Cleaning Services esper Heft 677-544? anytime LEA RiM HOW TO PLAY PIANO UC CI7448.

PH. 841-6322 Day 847-4536 Eve 235-1 112 Cakf retired builder saves you Free estimates. Tim, 261-4048 Group classes at Baldwin AFFORDABLE remodeling additions Free est BC5903 689- 7 703 NAN Builders rroiessionai meaning wim Personal Touch Call B42061i AA Island Lawn Care Clean GENERAL IO IIUUU Hers U2Z4J127 ALL Type, complete home repair 20 yrs. exper To $1000 Bmce 922-5419; Jetf 488-0198 Walter Shuebruk. New homes, EXCAVATION banoifrrs Hearlridge.

All ages VKVmo Can Joe at 487 3621 mow, hedge, elc. Best rate Free Ml 221 -5760. 648 6746 MOVING BROKER additions, plans, permits. A AFFORDABLE QUALITY C0NSTR. ACURA HONDA.

MADA, TOVOTA, NISSAN. CARPETS I UPHOLSTERY repairs t3Ct'4lH 2KJ1W30 A BETTER BOftCA? StRVtCt RAIN GUTTERS CUSTOM kilch. AAA fcrnest Complete Yard A AUOHA MOVING New Homes Kit Baths Repaifs Additions Grading, trenching, traBh Jesse's A.ilo Repair 841 6988 counter trxvpatio. txcl work FtouseOflice LocalOverseas ALII CARPE UPHOLSTERY bvc Plant grass, haul rubbish Free Esl 671 5381; 2P30415 naunnq. nynrauiic breaking.

To 10O0 4-2715. 578 5049 KEN1 GUTTERS 4 AWNINGS Renovate Free Estimate BES MOHIIE FIFPAIH'SVC Lowest Rales 637 8784 CLE ANfcRS CARPET REPAIR elc Reaa 67M126 (C-15406) Seamless Rain Gutters I oreigndomestic Oil'lube RE SIRE TOt 4220027 AAAAAAAAAA Baltno Gen (BC 17373) Pit 533-7710 Evenings 377-1531, 689-5026 Ken Oda 842-4180 (C 151271 AKAMAI MOVING BROKERS S19 95 (4 qtsl 226 5609 DOORS. Small Home Repairs, Finish Work, termite repair Up lo $1000 Ph 7320239 Yard Mamt. Lot clear, haul ORAOINO TRENCHING A dump truck hauling Backhoe Moving Packing Shipping AMERICAN Carpet A Fum GENE.tAL trash, plant grass Insured Measonaoie nates RAINBOW Continuous Gutters Systems Inc seamless slumy Cleaners New uarpet uoocat l.iooi. rjo-Aic: ALL Home Repans Design AIR CONDITIONING r-ree est bfo-ubyu; ifA-iuu HOME SERVICES UNLIMITED Carpel Hepairs U4ltuu copper.

IC15419) Free est Intext Roughfinish All types prooiem solve, work guar Rets To S1000 261 7045 MOVING ALL Lawn Garden Services, GLASS PAMPER your sett Entire body retaxalion-UmqiKS 1 hr imag N-iative session KeHy 955-7618 Guar. 2353405 PROKLEEN Carpel Cleaning of repairs fto. exci guar d. AC HfPAiHS. all makes, by Ciir1rtid Auto AC Tech We plant grass, around cover work lo JllJUU 7J BB98 yrs exper iyy5 per rm ALL TYPES HOME REPAIRS mow.

etc Free at 672079 SPECIALIZING in afnaflmad pi up deliver 456 9332 call Julian at 1Mb 54 is ROOFING Mirror, shower sliding doors, windows New repair termite damage, woodfencea housenotd moving M2fl5-C) AMERICAN YARD SERVICE ArtrotogyPalmhtry etc. to nuuu Hon 0l lb HONEST, dependable Car pentryrepair 16-yrs exper lo $1000 Charlie 4557505 iv i transfer vf Oyf tlbSlU S6-4Ub4. JiV6 Cleanup A repair Diamond AMERICAN UUJANI SF AC TICH S-SF AUTO PH 841 5988 WINDOW CLEANING ALL types New roofs, reroof 4 repairs. Free eat. West Coaat Hd 10 KOkO Hd 737-7y MR8 KsM PALM READER Apt renovaterrepair, Waikiki 20-vrs enper.

Free estimates PAINTING MASONRY PasL'Prsaent 4 Future Tokl Hoofing 696-1211 (C-15799) ANY yard work, planting grass, To $1000 CaH Jerry 947-7539 Confidential $5 Off 4562528 MASTER CARPENTER Rough, Finish. Kitchen. Baths, Cabinets, Decks Exotic Hardwoods To $1000 677532 Hawaii taw Chapter 444, HRS. probttxta any person, corporation or enlity from oer tng or pertoftTnng construction wont without a contractor's bcense issued by the Contractor Lt cense Board Appearance (his ctasarfication does not mean the (tcenae issued to the fisted contractor may still be current and valid It you have any questions concerning a contractor license, please contact the Department ot Commerce and Consumer A flatts Licensing Board at 586 3000 To file a current complaint, call 587-3222. To check on a contractor complaint history, call 536 2677.

Inm hedges, haul rubbish, lot clearing, mamt CaH 422757 JIM'8 Roofing Residential 4 A 1 LOWEST PRICE Walla, "CLEAN WINDOWS" PROF. SERVICE SINCE 1968 CALL RON ALBERT 599-8779 BETTER HOMEOFC REPAIRS A 1 AAA House Painting. We Specialize IntExt We also Specialie aH other house Commercial bid or small tons PALM Rl iADfNG Past, present future III readings confiden Fast Sve. low rales to $1000 drrveway, sidewalk, fences. (C13527) 23r0476.

846-5218 Free est. 016389 734-4658 Complete) Masonry. Concrete ItU. YES I CAN DO ITI 261 3647 tial OVZ 3819. 223 5273 repairs tor tree est to $500.

CaH 5453833 ask tor Kirt QUALITY builder 21 yrs exper, rough finish work avail Up id $1000. 638 7150 Mark. AA 1 QUALITY MASONRY TOP lobs, bottom pnr.e. qauf SCREENS ft JALOUSIES GENERAL anveway, patio, sioewaitt, stone watt, block wall. Tree tnmmtng.

haul rubbish, mow lawn, backyard. Free est CaH Hock fdock Wall Concrete anteed winoow service ope a I MASSAGE Cerpefttry'painting scieens. fast fob From I (foil 000. Taso 5452631: 285 4681 Work 1st C17317 535688 A I FRESH COATS Fast, etti cient. reasonable reliable drscounl Henry, 1056 CERAMIC TILE Dave 282 5165 be C-10326 A-1 QUfHJTY MASSEUR ALL types screens, windows 4 doors, new or repair Free es Free est To $1000 949 0360 AAAAAAAA Speciakst.

Stone FREE 500 bus rarrts wpur ilrf-, ot Siir" Bus j(j 545 7X)2 Arrppl nwi iuc ur.cn wall, hollow tile, dnvewav. re CT Yard Services landscap timates. CI3170 537 6057. HANDYMAN All types of home repairs AAAAAAA CERAMIOMAHBLE Mr Waikif.1 9498178 MAT2105 taining wall C15570 941 3157 ing Weedwacking clear A PAINTING-15 yrs. exper Top quality lowest rates Free esl To $1000 3734501 PR sH ial frfo- SPECIALIST BEST PRICES! Free Est To $1000 942 3939 tois f(w esitmaie ori tdtK) ACU-pres sure, Shiatsu.

Swed AAAAAAAAA JML MASONRY TREE SERVICE uiianry won at reas prices Istewtde 834-1880 tsrvfore-arm lOam-IOpm Hollow Tile. Concrete. Eca Is ifventa. hrichures, prnss Ofienings Ncwslet tis Hrrvrt Park T47-473b YARD SERVICE AAAAAAAAAA ABSOLUTELY Sandra MAT 1593 526 3207 ALL PAINTING REPAIHS 23 vrs exper Free Est valing C-I6t63 6250157 ALL KINDS LOW COST TREE TRIMMING GENERAL lowest pnoes Free est To HANDYMAN repairman wants Tnm hedge, mow, etc. 247-6011 Parr, UWa.L HAULING.

LOT CLEARING (To $1000) 926Q4 1 7(5330652 ALL By Aj.p ALL CONCRETE WORK work, ama.1 (ot ok. To S1000 $1000 All work guar 223-8453 1A Ccc 1 I C-15570 GEORGE 941-3157 922 1177 $3 CVI Arthur Brickwood Assoc. Rock tile walls. Free est FUlprno expert yard men. Alt Free estimales Jim 638 7542 AAA 1 remodeling, repairs, CRAIG'S PAINTING-Honesty, Affordable ceramic tile serve SALES Down' Moiiiie Low' Hops nnl pi.itnrmtnij I pi mp kick start yoiii rnmpany 1 fee consultations '14; 2463 Kuhm 303A (MAE 693) BC 11297 734442 Kinds, nedgerweed f-taut tuns New homes majof'mtnor rep Nlfo Landscapingrtnmcut es repairs.

To $1000. Free painting, rooring, aoailions, plans, lence. kitchen, bath. HOME repair mamt Screens, oepenoaDiniwquaitiy inttxt Free est To $1000 456-0651 mean 101 rree est. tHw-on For Total Heallh 4 Relaxation' Additions.

ALL concrete work, tilerock est Brian 396-676, 531-6749 doors stunoorn drawers freesremove stumpciear lot haultree est C1 7653 486O609 everything (HC9723) 545-5553 wall, footina foundation FHIptno Hard work dean yard Will fix all To $100 377 6137 DAVE'S PAINTING. Inlexl, 12 noon pm. MAT 2374. By app t. call Sue 531-2902 NOT the lowest but the BEST 941 2157.

293 5994 (BC14314) CARPENTRY Typesetting HHoitlHMe rates Hub caidsTplti-rhiMd ItKms flyers invitations fi AAAAAA Wong Construction TREE TRIMMING. Remove quality1 Free est. Tile, tor mica ptani nais rurjosn. Free est Ernest 422 2736 pgr 578 2446 Reas. prices- High quality.

Free Est To $10CO 734 4638 INSURED Repairing Baths. GREAT M.LSSAGE from nro ALL Excavation, haul out. back. elc To $1000 Slumps, Lot Cleaning. Ftaut (wm iiauni Aoainons.

halhs. kitchens, paint, termite ftiTcnens, woooTences, uecks NO pob too smalt RW fnter Ml. all cemenl wort (C 15761) Rubbish (C 11297) 734 8442 Filipino Yard Sve. Clear lot Eddy Prof Interior. Kitchen.

Patios, Retainino Walls, mate. varKpus sryies. uan for app MAT 1880 Ph 599-4252 TILE deaign, waterproofing, repairs FREE EST 487-1425 ACCOUNTING Free esl CaH plant orass. weed, haul hunk pnses framing a remooeting Cell 2620648 14822) 396-4144 To $1000 541-0819 TREE TRIMMING, haul funk trim, mamt Free est 689-6516 cusrom luosncnen, repairs. To $1000 Edward 261-4462 ACUMEN EtuikMrs additions batnrm, 12yr exper.

Uuality. Guarant'd Low Price Free est To $1000 Tbanka 531-8173 HeMI's nowsat 1608 Kalakaua AT Windward Masonry 15 160 Kitchen, bathrooms patios, cleaning, stump removsl C-1627S 637 7684, 286-4065 Free Esl TilewaH, HockwaH, FILIPINO YARD MAN. Plant, remcoet mors, repairs new I ic in: 17422 7910 CPA WHA AtclCJ MVpg Idjios PrO'PS'iMjnal, etlx tenl accurate Glenn W9 440 CEMENT WORK Ave. Hum, Srfsrtey, Leslie, Al ice 4 Furrs SVIAE224 946-4354 TILE REPAIR carpentry services up to Driveway Slab mow. poison weeds, weeding, ROBERT T.

OSHIRO. Paint ItUUU bHy Wbf'b. Z.V4 9047 nam trasn Free est 6'l5b4 Reas rates To $1000 2394458 NATIVE HAWAIIAN MASSEUR Foundation, moss rock, tife, Cheapest in Hon All concrete. homes A business To $1000 Day: 847-4536 Eve: 235-1112 ALLSTATE BUILDERS BCI4940 Ne. Remodel.

Commer. No sub QUALITY BATH 4 KITCHEN retainino walls, driveway st General yard svcs. Lot dear. TILE WORK Kitchens bath ANSWERING SERVICE slone. tile, retaining wall, bxper in ny styles TH 3 sm MAT1930 ft78-4104; 9f2073 C-16278 637 7684.

2864065 trees 2tJ24r Repairs. No fob too Smalt. To REPAIRS A THE. LOCAL REPS. TO $100 PH.

373 4128 mg, hauling rubbish, weed wacsmg. gardening ROOFING $1000. Call 262-1235. TENSIONSTTRESS RELIFF stitutes for exper 'workmanship. Larry 262-8544; Digit 576-6269 FMA MASONRY Rock 4 Ts PKHSONALIZEO Tfmp long trm la maiitto, otr; 'ipace, lypmg, resumes 4HH JWK) CERAMIC TILE Retired Master Plumber.

Will HOME Care Yard Services r-ro. mate Bierapist. Ca for ROOF DOCTOR Lowest rates. Wall AH masonry work C6339 Free eel 4885937 GENERAL CARPETS app i i-aiv MAT 2523 Plant grassclear (ot. Trusted ANDERSEN CONST HC 3B94 do small repair jobs install doors To $1000 599 5111 JIRI'8 Ceramic Tile A Marble Flat roofs shakes-shingles Fix leaks To $1000 373-4501 workers.

Free eel bM-4lbW Additions Romodelmg New A Fashion Custom made Co Commercial A Res f-ree HAUNM" DRAFTING CARPET LINOLEUM Safes, hom*os Hepairs 672 3111 LART ALL YARD SERVICE Trip Ornamental Welding. fashion designalterations Est. (LK 174S3) B22 3BD7 STOP root leaks even dunnq service repair specialist 15 yrs exper To $1000 262 5680 1 130 Nimrl-C300. 5248598 Rock, tile walls, drive-way, BARNETT ASSOC Quality WE DO EVERYTHING" Free est 645-2681; 682 1093 rain tor rial a prion a gravel tools. To $650 455-6330 wm mahe aecumy windows, fences, gates, mail boxes (C-17219) 456-5015 concrete slab Bobcat excava A AH(J 1 dsiqn 4 nraftinq sve (fldg Permit htf it Ik'st jiiaity qtmfrjntpkpkfi Kl i' li' CONCRETE WORK construrtmn new'remodevad- CHEAP CARPET REMNANTS, tion C1I6H5 6766896 dilions HC 16741 1 2S4 2928 MOW.

WEED. THIM HEDGES, TONY'S Rooting Sve A Repair large selection, carpet binding, mini bands 486-2547 GENERAL AAA1 Concrete f-oundations, NI8A CONTRACTOR Mosa CLEAR LOTS. MAINT. HAUL. FREE EST KEY 671-4901 WINDWARD FIX IT! Complete Handvman Service MurvirM bHAKtb SHtrvtiLts C-17026 Ph 732-4220 tile.

rock. slab, chain, plans A AMCf ffHAUlNl i SI HVrLL Ouality nt tow FMI I STIMATF blue rockyretaminglrle walla. BATH.KIIChl HemodHling Siecially tile martile Hidrs (HCI'iOIKl IMkl, 5275 Class A Carpet A Linoleum. Free eit (HC9723) 545 5S53 PETS AT HOVE Pet sitting Siowlkdrvewy8 Hescommer To $1000 Jim 239 7876 SALVADOR'S Yard Sve. Gen Free est B44H40 UlUbl balessvcrepr.

Qjuar. aavtngs A lieeest To $1000 625-4626 SCREENS JALOUSIES BLOCKMAN MASONRY wirw coring anemanve to boarding Refit avail 423 1213 GENERAL clean up, trim hedge, weeding, haul sink. 646fj2n6 Rudy WINDWARD RENOVATORS BUILDING COORDINATORS Ac Mesn'nliiil Msign const fuctionfi'ifjitton'i'rpno QTrujr a. uvalla nrivnwev Walls, driveways, excavation OWEN TONYS CARPETS Custom made screens doors 20 yrs exper all home repair To $1000 CaH Dano 259 7028 Additions, Plans. Nfw Con lliucttnn Rnasonahlp Cost Sidewalk, Cham Link Free The Yardman al Your Service Quality work, reasonable rates SELHFLP FOR IMPOTENCE sen est (C I 7350) John 645-3746 Un-thespot screen repairs.

Tot 1 000 $8341880 676 8213 (C12452) esl (HC15.W) Exper. wrefs Comm'Wres Reasonable 528 6066. 24 hrs ALOHA Diattinq An1 Design Housenew rrn olans. oer Send lor Free research study. Recorded message 528 6786 Carpets at affordable pneea.

Sales rnstaNationa. linoleum, vtnyt tiles. 18 yrs exper Free est C8252 9469645 5366665 Vonhimuia Cien Cont JALOUSIES I specialize PAINTING nuts Meas Froeesl 676 743 DEMOLITION YARD CLEANING, TRIM RC074M Specialire in addr MASSAGE THERAPIST lions free est 45o 1426 economical repair ot older ia. ousies not their expensive replacement. Free est.

734-8697 Hedge, Haul Hubbish, Clear Lot Free Est 689 370S GENERAL AA Wet Paint Hawaii fnt ext. Eicavatton Demo Services GLASS n8TY8 DIW F'G SLRVICfcS Nnw Const HnnovatePHrmtls Hea totnmeraal 677 9690 Cabinet, countertops. doors Thwarfie Mjuaaoe Stress Hepamt specialist Quality a reliability C16458 739-5139 Quality Work. Land Clearing Lie C14356Free eal42374l BESTWAYTVilERVlCE a more' Hemodeling A repairs C-1r2SfeHIH Const 67MO(B WALLPAPER TUB SHOWER enclosures Mirror closet doors To (1000 634-1880 in as rwasf i al A MrWI MnvhTOn- Microwavea. elereo.

VCR, Free estimate. 538-7371 ALWAYS 1st Class Pamhng FINANCIAL SERVICES YardBusters Are Here! Weeds A graaa overgrown? Who ya gonna call? YardBuslerst Low Kamaama rates 737 8322 DRYWAU ment MAT3074 2362532 Construction Masters Inc AARTS INTERIORS Wallpaper, CI 7211 Wilt work wkenoniiea Insured Free Esl 847 3064 BOOV THERAPY WORKS appliances; Fabric Walla (C16693) Free Est. Samples Baf 3732907 DftVWAU. LrNLIMfTEO LIGHT HAUIING CONSULTING AcccHjnting, Tax return Call Darrwl Lau 521 6490. Pgr 577 -j64.

CAUT1FV your home. Paeiler Residential A Commercial Swedishpressure point sports. 941-6991 MAT2SB4 LANDSCAPING Oenetsl Construction lor Commercial Industrial Business A Residential Buildings. Foundations Carpentry Rooting Drafting A Permits BC-1650 94 7 3925 Custom Wallcovenng Priced APPLIANCE home repair Lie C1696B Wendol 261 2148 AA COMMERRES. Haul trash win work wkenos work guar-nleed Ph Z396B24 CI 3567 NEED SOME STRESS MGMT by the reft Expert craftmanshp Free est.

To $1000 732 3728 SECRETARIAL neirigeraiorrwsisner dryer range 737 487-6629 any kind, soil rook, clear lot A more Free est 734 7094 APEX LANDSCAPING A Sprin Hawaii law, Chapter 444, HRS, prohibits any person, corporation or entity from offering or performing construction work without a contractor's kcense issued by the Contractor's Li oense Board. Appearance in this classrficaiion does not mean the license issued to the listed contractor may still be current and valid it you have any questions concerning a contractor's license, please contact the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Licensing Board al 586 3000. To file a current complaint, call 587 3222 To check on a contractor's complaint history, call 586 2677. ISLAND BUDGET PAINTING ELECTRICAL Get a massage MA12UJ1. 945-0761, 223-135 for app't.

gier oysrems; as pnnstn, nire est C15292 9R8 4444 AAAA FILIPINO Speuiakre Haul 1ANJI CONTRACTING INTFXT 4 MIlDr WASH Will beat most estimates Free est LIC C17021 239 5158 AA SIM tLEC RFSIIlf NTIA17 OEN typmq. resumes, notary public, lascimile services Garhn Lnlerprises U23 7400 nC1388) New homes, addh funk. Clean Yard FHtE EST Call Lilo 841 2203; 927-0923 COMMERCIAL 'REMODELS 14761 261 0072 NURSESHOME CARE nuns, lepans KS PAINTING Res Commer BARRON'S Company LA7406 Senior Landscape Architect Difficult Site Problems DocumentsConsiilt'g 732-3905 Make the Connection! HOUSE HAISINIi, Hnleveling. SIGNS ADDITION HF MODEL NEW Personal Car aHome maker Ramting. Wall covr We can do rl ail (CI 5687) 734 8514 GENERAL CAKES i-iwviMiis, niimooeiing ree timale (HC-13MO) 623 8445 Svcs In your home care for 24 hr trouble call.

Waialae tleclnclnc 016858 732 4084 The Classified connection match Nllo Landscapingplant grass MAM Painting 06188 Res. PAST In home tax aenica at KITCHEN A BATH alteration BANNERS SKINS, fASr at low mainland puces' Toll free lor a quole 1 (HX) 52 3973 Banner -Sign txpress. Calif. Advance Electric Free est install spnnklerremove stump tree trimclear lothaul'mainl. orderdependent persons, on an hr fy overnight five-m basis, fslandwide.

Shalom In-Home Companion Program 736-5607 es up trie right sellers and buyers everyday. Call 521-9111 specialty can Paul Kinosh*ta SPECTACULAR tp simple ele gance Over 65 etyles Also Catering 6 loc. Tlae Patisserie (C 1,1621) Trouble calls any- comm. repainting specialist Quality work. Bondedins.

38 yrs. exper. Free est 841 6603 reasonabte rates. Alt states, back years. Ph.

523-1881 free est. 1653 wnere MAftaK). DJU-2U5U -L. ai uaWaAa xafAatkal natal. as at I aWaat nf vtM.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.