Rimworld Weapon Tier List (2024)

In Rimworld, there are numerous weapons to select from. When you have sufficient resources to equip all your pawns, you might consider crafting the most effective ones available. Below, I will tell you of the best weapons in Rimworld.

Best weapons in Rimworld 1.5

What the best weapon in Rimworld is depends a lot on your playstyle. If you're someone who wants to focus on close range weapons, you most likely want to focus on a melee build, while longer range combat is done best with the ranged weapons. Regardless of the either option, you have plenty of options to choose from.

I've compiled this list based on weapons that are relatively cheaper to craft or find compared to their DPS (damage per second). These weapons are all affected by modifiers and the materials you use to craft them.

List of best ranged weapons in Rimworld

All ranged weapons in Rimworld go through the same firing cycle, which starts with the aiming time as your pawn prepares to shoot at the enemy, followed by the firing time. The firing process depends on your pawn's ability to shoot and the weapon's base accuracy. This ends with the cooldown process, where the firing cycle resets, and your pawn can begin shooting their weapon again.

These are the best weapons in Rimworld based on cost-effectiveness and optimal DPS. This is a hypothetical scenario where each shot hits the enemy based on the base damage, which differs from real combat situations influenced by range:

  • Touch: 3 tiles
  • Short: 12 tiles
  • Medium: 25 tiles
  • Long: 40 tiles
TierWeaponOptimal DPS (damage per second)
SAssault Rifle10.88
SCharge Rifle13.24
AChain Shotgun18.73
AHeavy SMG12.34
AMachine pistol11.02
ATriple rocket launcher15.52
APump shotgun8.37
ACharge lance6.82
BFrag grenades12
BEMP grenades12
BAuto pistol7.69
BSniper Rifle4.31
CBolt-action rifle5.63
DShot bow3.67
DDoomsday rocket launcher5.56
DTactical turret gun4.86
DNerve spiker3.55
DRecurve bow4.52
EEMP launcher7.14
EMolotov co*cktails2.4
EIncendiary launcher1.43

In my opinion, the assault rifle is the best ranged weapon in Rimworld, despite being further down on the list. This is because the Assault Rifle is easily obtainable once you have the machining table, requiring only 60 steel and 7 components. Your pawns only need a minimum of six crafting skills to make one of these powerful weapons.

All ranged weapon quality modifiers in Rimworld

The quality modifiers on each weapon are chance-based. Higher-skilled pawns have a greater chance of crafting a higher-quality weapon, resulting in increased damage and accuracy.

QualityAccuracy ModifierBase Damage ModifierArmor Penetration Modifier

Related: All Rimworld Xenotypes and Xenohumans

List of best melee weapons in Rimworld

When it comes to melee weapons, you need to consider not only the DPS (damage per second) a weapon can deliver but also the type of damage it can inflict. These include sharp, blunt, burn, or EMP. Depending on the type of enemy you are facing and your objective of either killing or disabling them, you can make a choice.

TierWeaponDPSType of damage
SThrumbo horn9.44Sharp
SPersona monosword14.53Sharp
SPersona zeushammer13.17Blunt + EMP
SPower claw9.28Blunt
AHand talon8.18Blunt
APersona plasmasword9.97Sharp + Burn
AElbow blade7.78Blade
AZeushammer9.41Blunt + EMP
AKnee spike7.57Sharp
BVenom fangs6.65Blunt
BElephant tusk6.44Sharp
BVenom talon6.34Blunt
CArcotech arm6.28Blunt
CPlasmasword7.39Sharp + Burn
CDrill arm5.9Sharp
DBionic arm5.53Blunt
DBreach Axe6.22Blunt
EJade knife5.73Sharp
EEltex staff4.51Blunt

If you are looking to enslave many pawns to build your colony, I recommend using weapons with lower damage output and blunt damage. This will reduce the likelihood of them dying upon impact, allowing you more time to transport them to your beds for prompt treatment by your pawns.

If you're looking for pure damage at a low cost, I recommend investing in crafting plenty of longswords, as they are the most affordable high-damage melee weapons in the game. They can be crafted at any smithy once you have researched them.

Related: Best schedule for night owls in Rimworld

All melee weapon material modifiers in Rimworld

Unlike ranged weapons, melee weapons in Rimworld can be crafted from a wide variety of materials, with each material slightly increasing the base damage multiplier in addition to the skill of the crafter.

MaterialCooldown speed factorDamage factor (blunt)Damage factor (sharp)Max HP factorDPS factor (blunt)DPS factor (sharp)
Granite blocks1.310.651.70.770.5
Limestone blocks1.310.61.550.770.46
Marble blocks1.310.61.20.770.46
Sandstone blocks1.310.51.40.770.38
Slate blocks1.310.61.30.770.46

All melee weapon quality modifiers in Rimworld

The quality modifiers on each weapon are chance-based. Higher-skilled pawns have a greater chance of crafting a higher-quality weapon, resulting in increased damage.

QualityBase Damage Modifier

The choice of weapon you make will largely depend on the type of colony and gameplay you are focusing on. So, I highly suggest you continue using weapons that fit your playstyle and level of enjoyment.

For more on Rimworld, be sure to check out 15 Essential RimWorld Mods and How To Install Them and RimWorld pollution, explained and how to deal with it here on Pro Game Guides.

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Rimworld Weapon Tier List (2024)


What weapon has the best range RimWorld? ›

Sniper rifle[edit]

Sniper rifles have the highest range in the game, but low fire rate. Overall DPS is weaker than a bolt-action rifle, but snipers are clearly not a damage weapon. Useful for picking off sieges, lone centipedes, etc. Very reliant on Shooting skill.

What is the strongest material for weapons RimWorld? ›

For sharp damage, the Longsword is your best choice. However, where Uranium is best for blunt weapons, Plasteel is the best material choice for sharp weapons.

Is the charge Lance melee or ranged? ›

The charge lance is a heavy, single-shot ranged weapon which deals a high amount of damage per shot with commensurate AP, a longer time between shots, an above-average range and high overall accuracy.

Are sniper rifles worth it in RimWorld? ›

Their actual DPS is among the worst of firearms, just on par with the neolithic greatbow. Thus, snipers are a poor "general" weapon. If range is important, though, then snipers are a strong choice. They can be used to provoke sieges, kite centipedes, or be one of the safest weapons to hunt with.

What is the best end game weapon RimWorld? ›

which weapon is best for endgame?
  • Minigun - best possible DPS, with tightly packed enemies or RNJesus help is second only to doom launcher.
  • LMG - more accurate than minigun, also staggers enemies, in all other ways inferior to minigun.
  • Chain shotgun - good dps, but with that range it's better to just use grenades.
Dec 4, 2018

What is the weakest melee weapon in RimWorld? ›

Fists are the lowest DPS blunt weapon (but an unarmed pawn "dual wields" them), followed by beer and logs. Clubs and Maces are a pretty big jump up even with their worst material (stone club, wood mace). Wooden shiv should be the best option.

What is the best combat weapon in Rimworld? ›

Monosword and Plasma Sword are from the Royalty DLC and are undoubtedly the cream of the crop. The Monosword boasts incredible damage and armor penetration, making it a formidable force against any opponent.

What stone is best for weapons Rimworld? ›

A hard, green stone. Because of its beauty and rarity, jade is often used for ornaments and decorations. Its hardness and density also makes it a good material for blunt weapons.

Is lance better than spear? ›

A lance is a pole weapon or spear used by a mounted warrior. The lance is longer, thicker and heavier than an infantry spear, and is not intended for throwing, or for quick thrusting. Lances did not have tips meant to break off or bend, unlike many throwing weapons of the spear and javelin family.

Does the bomb Lance count as a melee weapon? ›

Information. The Bomb Lance is the largest melee weapon in the game. While the weapon description states that the harpoon deals tremendous damage on impact, it actually deals very little impact damage.

Do weapons run out of ammo in RimWorld? ›

Note that RimWorld does not have any ammo mechanics, even for items that visually appear to be finite, like pila and grenades. Doomsday rocket launchers and triple rocket launchers are consumed on use, while every other held weapon is infinite.

How good is the charge rifle in RimWorld? ›

Charge rifles are endgame tier weapons. In terms of DPS, the charge rifle is only beaten by the chain shotgun and minigun, after considering accuracy. The former has a rather short range, and the latter carries a massive cooldown cycle.

What is the difference between great bow and bolt-action rifle RimWorld? ›

A masterwork greatbow beats an excellent (and lower) bolt-action rifle at any range the bow can reach, though its AP and max range are still shorter. Up close (12 tiles), a greatbow 1 quality level higher generally beats a bolt action, e.g. good greatbow > normal bolt-action.

What is the effective range of the turret RimWorld? ›

In addition to the weapon's accuracy, the turret itself has a per-tile shooting accuracy of 96% or equivalent to a Shooting skill of 8. It has a maximum range of 32.9 tiles, but is unable to hit enemies within an 8.9 tile radius.

What is the optimal range for heavy SMG RimWorld? ›

Specifically, the heavy SMG is better until 13 tiles, regardless of Shooting skill. The assault rifle is better past 13 tiles, regardless of Shooting skill. This is true for the vast majority of reasonable scenarios.

What is the accuracy of ranged weapons in RimWorld? ›

It will never fire at a target 17 tiles away, but at a range of 14 tiles, its accuracy will be 2/13 of the way between the Short and Medium range accuracy values, or 85%. Ranged weapons wielders cannot fire at targets that are in melee range of themselves, but can target more distant enemies while engaged in melee.

What is the best armor for range RimWorld? ›

The Best Armor
  • Early Game: Leather Dusters, shirts, and pants.
  • Mid Game: Devilstrand Dusters, Flak Vests, and high quality clothing.
  • Late Game: Marine armor (ranged colonists), Recon armor and a shield belt (melee colonists), and Prestige armor (noble colonists)
Aug 28, 2022

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